Frequently Asked Questions

What do we believe about the Bible?

Bottom line, we believe in the inerrancy of God’s Word. You can find Ethnos360’s complete doctrinal statement at:

What is Ethnos360?

Ethnos360 is a parachurch organization. That means that it is a third-party that partners with churches to send individuals (like us!) into contexts where people have limited or no access to the gospel.

Do we get paid by Ethnos360?

Short answer: no. We are fully funded by support from churches and individuals who believe in what we’re doing. That support is funneled through Ethnos360 because it benefits us and our supporters.

Where does your financial support go / how does it get used?

We receive 100% of the financial support you give toward our ministry. One-third of that goes to ministry expenses, one-third to insurances, taxes, etc., and one-third to living expenses.

What is our monetary need?

We hope to serve in the Philippines, where our monetary need will be about $6,000/month, which will be utilized as described above.

Are my financial gifts tax-deductible?

Yes! That is one of the benefits of giving to us through Ethnos360, rather than directly to us.

Can I start or stop supporting you whenever I want?

Yes. Supporting our ministry is never intended to be a burden on anyone.